
Monday, 20 June 2011

20-Jun-2011 - OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN per GUIDO

20-Jun-2011 - OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN per GUIDO

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Eurocrats: The Guilty Men

The eurosceptic right could not have been more vindicated by the mess in Greece. As another twelve billion Euros looks set to be poured down the drain, finally the consensus is coming round to what those of us in the anti-Euro-brigade have been predicting for two decades.

At the launch of the Britain in Europe campaign in 1999, Blair brought together Ken Clarke, Helseltine, Heath, Mandy, Charlie Kennedy, Huhne, Hain and the foresighted Neil Kinnock, telling them:
“Once in each generation, the case for Britain in Europe needs to be remade, from first principles. The time for this generation is now. We are told that Europe is bad for the British economy, that being part of Europe means abandoning our allies in the USA, that Europe is obstinately against reform, dedicated to bloated bureaucracy rather than the needs of European citizens, that being in Europe means losing our identity as the British nation, that as a consequence, Britain should rule out joining the euro and should prepare to leave Europe altogether. It is time we took each of these arguments in turn and demolished them.”

Only one side of the argument was demolished:
“LibDems’ Chris Huhne said failure to join the euro would lead to a collapse of inward investment and mocked eurosceptics who warned that the Irish economy would overheat once it joined the euro because of low interest rates.”
And who was the young man charged with pushing Blair’s pro-European message and communicating the work of the campaign to take us into the euro?

Step forward a young Danny Alexander, the man who now has his hand on the economic tiller, yet lacked the basic foresight to see the spectacular failure that the Euro-zone would become. Fills you with confidence…

These “statesmen” made a catastrophic error of judgement on a scale which had they been successful in dragging the UK into the euro would have seen us suffer even more since 2008 as well as lose our monetary sovereignty. It is noticeable that many of these same statesman now tell us messianically that global warming is a fact, not a theory, and want to commit us to destroying our economic competitiveness. If at first you don’t succeed…

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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Tuesday, 14 June 2011

14-Jun-20114 - OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN - Oop North Offers Us Some Insight - A Solution?

14-Jun-2011 - OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN - Oop North Offers Us Some Insight - A Solution?

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To Leave-The-EU

Demonstrating quite how out of touch Cameron is on this aid issue, we see 1505 comments (and counting) to the Daily Mail article which we picked up here. Nearly all of them are hostile, one example (extract) here:

You got this issue very, very wrong Mr Cameron and I fear it will haunt you for a very long time yet to come. Obviously you are out of touch will the general mood of the Electorate in my view and I hope you will pay a heavy price for your dictatorial approach to the subject.
And here is another one ...
I've just been to see my bank manager. I told him there's no money in my account and my overdraft is up to its limit. I also told him my credit card are at their limit but that I wanted to borrow more money. He asked me what I wanted the money for and I told him I wanted to give it away. He told me I was mad and closed my account immediately and cancelled my credit card. He also told me I was stupid and reckless. Cameron just doesn't get it does he?
It is the sheer, unremitting arrogance that sticks in one's craw. He thinks he is right. Thus, what anyone else thinks simply doesn't matter. But it goes even deeper. Last night, he was heard on ITN to refer to "my citizens" back in the UK. Yet, if you ripped out the throat of this patronising slime, with his dying breath he would be wondering what he did wrong.

There is something very wrong here, something fundamentally wrong with our constitutional settlement that allows politicians to behave in this way – with no mechanism to bring them to account.

But do these fools not realise that, if they shut down all the mechanisms of political discourse, and detach themselves so completely from, popular sentiment, the only outlet left is violence? Their armoured limousines, their gun-toting thugs and their riot police will only go so far.

As the man once said, you can piss off some of the people all of the time, and you can piss off all of the people some of the time. But you can't piss off all of the people all of the time. That is just plain stupid - he might just as well tattoo the invitation on his forehead. Does he not realise that that is what he is doing?

To view the original article Oooop North CLICK HERE

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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

14-Jun-2011 - Oop North Offers Us Some Insight - A Solution?

14-Jun-2011 - Oop North Offers Us Some Insight - A Solution?

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To Leave-The-EU

Demonstrating quite how out of touch Cameron is on this aid issue, we see 1505 comments (and counting) to the Daily Mail article which we picked up here. Nearly all of them are hostile, one example (extract) here:
You got this issue very, very wrong Mr Cameron and I fear it will haunt you for a very long time yet to come. Obviously you are out of touch will the general mood of the Electorate in my view and I hope you will pay a heavy price for your dictatorial approach to the subject.
And here is another one ...
I've just been to see my bank manager. I told him there's no money in my account and my overdraft is up to its limit. I also told him my credit card are at their limit but that I wanted to borrow more money. He asked me what I wanted the money for and I told him I wanted to give it away. He told me I was mad and closed my account immediately and cancelled my credit card. He also told me I was stupid and reckless. Cameron just doesn't get it does he?
It is the sheer, unremitting arrogance that sticks in one's craw. He thinks he is right. Thus, what anyone else thinks simply doesn't matter. But it goes even deeper. Last night, he was heard on ITN to refer to "my citizens" back in the UK. Yet, if you ripped out the throat of this patronising slime, with his dying breath he would be wondering what he did wrong.

There is something very wrong here, something fundamentally wrong with our constitutional settlement that allows politicians to behave in this way – with no mechanism to bring them to account.

But do these fools not realise that, if they shut down all the mechanisms of political discourse, and detach themselves so completely from, popular sentiment, the only outlet left is violence? Their armoured limousines, their gun-toting thugs and their riot police will only go so far.

As the man once said, you can piss off some of the people all of the time, and you can piss off all of the people some of the time. But you can't piss off all of the people all of the time. That is just plain stupid - he might just as well tattoo the invitation on his forehead. Does he not realise that that is what he is doing?

To view the original article Oooop North CLICK HERE
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

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Monday, 13 June 2011

13-Jun-2011 - The Secret Lib.Dim. ANTI BRITISH PACT

13-Jun-2011 - The Secret Lib.Dim. ANTI BRITISH PACT

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I rekon it is fairly easy to spot part of OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN when you note that shortly after that odious little Scottish slime ball Graham Watson MEP received a Knighthood for his betrayal of these United Kingdoms when most Patriotic British peoples would in fact wish his Father had worn one and spared us all the oleaginous little creep's birth.

We not the outrageous anti British commentary from the leader of the Lib.Dims. Pan EU Political Group in the septic tank of The EU:

UK COALITION PARTNERS - Lib.Dim. Group Leader In The EU

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62

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Sunday, 12 June 2011

13-Jun-2011 - ex UKIP Nikki SINCLAIRE Takes another Brick Out of The Wall

13-Jun-2011 - ex UKIP Nikki SINCLAIRE Takes another Brick Out of The Wall
Nikki Sinclaire, British politicianImage via Wikipedia
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Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
ex UKIP Nikki SINCLAIRE MEP Takes another Brick Out of The Wall!

As her credibility grows distanced from the extremist & racist EFD Group & EUkip!



to see Trinity/Mirror Group expose ANY truth about The EU is a tremendous feather in the cap of Nikki Sinclaire MEP CLICK HERE who is increasingly being seen as credible distanced from the extremist & Racist EFD Group & EUkip - OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN pals!

That the 'surface' cost of the jolly is £51K is but the tip of the iceberg as The EU Crass Fisheries Policy strips the peoples of Africa & The Indian Ocean of their livelihood and food.

Just as in history we bought slaves from Black slave dealers this will be seen as an obscene crime by History - IF The EU leaves any chance for history as it destroys liberty, freedom and democracy - already re-writing history to suit its malevolent aims and idiotic self congratulatory Museums to its own failure!

Well Done Nikki Sinclaire MEP just a Brick out of The Wall - a small crack in the propaganda wall to work on.

The sort of breakthrough EUkip has had 18 years to achieve but is far too busy squabbling like ferrets in a sack to keep their snouts in the trough, their parasites, mistresses and whores paid for - OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN?


 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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13-Jun-2011 - 00:43hrs. TWEETS on OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN

13-Jun-2011 - 00:43hrs. TWEETS on OUR-ENEMY-WITHIN



After 13 years of cancer - starting with Kidney OUT - chemotherapy is clearly a self inflicted illness but better than death! I want to Leave-The-EU First!


























    BBC Politics
    by Greg_LW


    by Greg_LW




    The Telegraph
    by Greg_LW




     INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
    Reclaim YOUR Future 
    Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
    (IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
    to Reclaim YOUR Future 
    Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
    tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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    To Spread The Facts World Wide

    To Leave-The-EU